Sunday, November 14, 2010

Where Can You Purchase a Cheap Mattress?

When you are in the market for a new mattress the most important thing to do is to ask questions and do your research. Sometimes the best deals can be found by a simple email or phone call. Here are some places we've found that have the best chance of producing one of those such deals.

Online: Often you can find dramatic discounts on name brand mattresses at online retailers like or the like. A helpful hind you might find handy is to look up model numbers at your local bedding store and then cross reference these model numbers in your internet search engine. This will allow you to narrow your search down to specific mattresses that interest you.

Manufacturer Outlets: Sometimes manufacturers will have "outlet" stores or factory outlets where you can find some great deals on mattresses that have been overstocked, or even huge markdowns on mattresses that have some kind of defect. Many times these defects have absolutely no effect on the function of the product, like the wrong shade of white on the trim around the bottom or something irrelevant to us, but makes it unsellable in the retail store. I would go as far as to wager that this is your best option to finding a tremendous deal.

Furniture Liquidation Sales: Many times furniture stores will have liquidation sales as they are going out of business. If you can catch these sales at the right times you can find mattresses and even other furniture for as much as 50% off retail. Keep a watchful eye on the newspapers as there will usually be an advertisement for liquidation sales.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Truth About Expensive Mattresses

Tons of people I know are sleeping on cheap mattresses. Why?

The people that aren’t are telling me they wish they wouldn’t have wasted the money on upgrading their old ones.

So is it better to invest in cheap mattresses than buying a mattress costing much more?

I have contacts with several dealers who sell bedding for a living, and a few who are sales reps at major manufacturers like Sealy.

The other day I was having lunch with one of my afformentioned colleagues and he asked, “Can you guess the difference between the $3000 mattresses I sell and the ones you can get on sale for a hundred bucks?”, I had no answer. He said “The little strip of fabric that tells you the brand”

“There has to be some sort of difference in the materials or quality of construction?”

“Nope, not a single difference. Actually, most of the mattresses available in the department stores for thousands of dollars come off the same assembly line as the ones in the discount stores!”

There are different styles with springs or foam but the only difference in like models was the pricetag. I found this to be astonishing.

Now that the bedding professionals have let the cat out of the bag, we know that a cheap mattress is identical in almost every facet and thread to the ones that cost far far more, the only difference is how much the dealers can make reselling them for a profit. You are essentially paying for a brand name, much the same as you would for clothes.

With some careful research and reading reviews on the subject you should be able to find cheap mattresses that are identical to a brand name unit for a fraction of the price.

The Key to Finding Quality, Cheap Mattresses

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to find a cheap mattress that is also a comfortable mattress without spending a ton of money. The ideas and these steps will guide you to finding a mattress that not only is easy on your wallet, but your back as well.

1st Step: Picking a Max Price
This step is the most important and can sometimes be the most difficult as well. The key here is to narrow your mattress search to only units that are within your budget. When you pick a number that you feel fits into your budget, hold strong on that point until a suitable unit is found.

2nd Step: Check Online Using Sites Like This One!
The web can be your best friend when researching prices and models of suitable bedding. Instead of taking hours to view 20 matresses, you can do it in minutes. The downside is a picture doesn't tell you everything when it comes to sleep comfort. The internet is also a huge help in providing reviews and testimonials, and we will look at these later in more depth.

3rd Step: Write Down Potential Options:
After you do your research and check online reviews and testimonials, as well as models and pricing of possible mattress models, make a list and take it to your retailer. Compare prices, if there is more differences, ask questions. More importantly, feel the mattresses, test the fabric and softness.

4th Step: Purchase Only at the Right Price!
In the best case scenario, you will have found cheap model that is on sale. During some times of the year you can find sales in much higher numbers than others. If you can't find a deal right away don't get discouraged, we are here to help.

These 4 important steps can insure you find the best deal as well as save the most time. If this list is used properly there is no reason that you shouldn't be able to find a dozen possible options in a single afternoon.